In vitro fertilization, in the simplest terms, is the process of putting the embryos, which are formed as a result of the fertilization of the egg cell taken from the woman and the sperm cell taken from the man, together under laboratory...
Microinjection is the process of placing the sperm cell taken from the father into the egg cell taken from the mother with the help of a very thin needle. This process is carried out in the laboratory with the help of a special micros...
PGD is the process of selecting only healthy embryos and transferring them to the mother after genetic testing of embryos is performed during in vitro fertilization. PGD process starts with IVF treatment, regardless of whether couples...
Egg donation is done by fertilizing the egg cells obtained by in vitro fertilization with sperm from the recipient woman's husband and transferring the embryo to the recipient woman's uterus....
Sperm donation is an in vitro fertilization treatment method applied for men who do not have sperm production for various reasons, who have little or whose existing sperm structure does not have the capacity...
In order to perform embryo donation, first of all, a donor who will match the blood group and physical characteristics of the parents is sought.Since the sperm is frozen or fresh does not affect its quality...
TESE and TESA procedures are surgical methods recommended for men who do not have viable sperm cells in their semen. The absence of viable sperm in the semen is also called azoospermia. It is known that conditions ...
Embryo freezing is an option we recommend if you have good quality embryos after your transfer. With embryos that we freeze after IVF, egg donation, sperm donation and PGD procedures, we offer our mother and father ...
Egg freezing is the freezing of reproductive cells (eggs) taken from the woman in a laboratory environment with a special process. Frozen eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 °C...
Sperm freezing is the freezing of reproductive cells (sperm) taken from men in a laboratory environment with a special process. Frozen sperm are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 °C. The low ...
IUI is based on the process of transferring sperm cells to the expectant mother by making them better quality in laboratory conditions. The aim is to allow the sperm to be deposited closer to the egg and reach the egg more easily...
Surrogacy is the situation in which the embryo, which is formed by external fertilization by taking the ova and sperm from the mother and father, becomes pregnant through the uterus of another mother. The woman who carries...
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